What is the address of the Workshops
Who can we call in case of Emergency
Please call Donny Toebes (+31619460268)
Language: Dutch, German and English
In case of a medical emergency please call 112
In case you need a doctor and there is not an emergency, please ask Donny or Anouchka.
What time is HANAMI open?
We are open at 8:30AM.
Are shops & restaurants open on Sunday
The shops are closed on sunday. The supermarkets “Albert Heijn” and “Jumbo” are open on sunday. Restaurants open probably around noon or 1 am.
Info about your day at HANAMI
Welcome at HANAMI! The day starts with registration at the frontdesk and then you can get some coffee or tea. You will recieve information like layout of the center en time schedule of the day.
Lunch and Diner
Lunch and Diner is onsite at HANAMI. At the bottom of this page you can order your lunch and diner.
Payment is done by creditcard or bank. Is payment not possible from your country? Please send you booking for lunch and diner to You recieve an acknowledgement by email withing 1 day! No response? Please contact us again.
Entrance: Welcome and Registration
Studio: Coffee/Tea, breakroom and theory
Zendo: Lunch
Sportzaal: Tai Chi practice
What time do we start?
We start at 9:00. Walk-in is at 8:30 till 9:00. Are you later? Please notify Donny by sms, e-mail or whatsapp.
Important message
Friday 24 may and Saturday 25 may there is a festival in Aalten.
This festival is from 20.00h. (8pm) to 1.00h. (1am).
Do please note that in the center of Aalten is a limited posibility
to have diner those two days. You can order food if you like.
You can reserve a spot for Lunch and Diner
at our center. More info on this page.